the best answer to each question and write the appropriate letter in
the space below.
1) Where is the center of gravity of a softball bat
A) In the thin handle
halfway along the bat
C) In the more massive end of the bat
2) When a wrench is slid spinning over a frictionless
tabletop, its center of gravity follows __________.
A) a regular straight-line path.
B) a straight-line
path with irregular speed.
C) a wobbly path with irregular
3) The center of gravity of an object can be located
by __________.
A) drawing lines straight down from
suspension points.
B) looking at the intersection of
lines drawn from suspension points.
C) balancing it above your finger.
D) all of the above will work
4) In which of the following is the center of gravity
located at a point where there is no mass?
Glass of milk
B) Cookie
C) Pineapple
D) Donut
E) Apple
An object will fall over
if its center of gravity is __________.
A) too high.
B) too low.
C) not over its area of support.
D) outside the object.
When you carry a heavy
load with one arm, why do you tend to hold your free arm away from your
A) To look good
B) To be ready to grab something in case you fall
C) To change the mass of your body
D) To change the weight of your body and the load
E) To change the center of gravity of your body and
the load
If an object is in unstable
equilibrium, any displacement will __________.
A) raise its center of gravity.
B) lower its center of gravity.
C) neither raise nor lower its center
of gravity.
D) increase its mass.
E) decrease its mass.
If an object is in stable
equilibrium, any displacement will __________.
A) raise its center of gravity.
B) lower its center of gravity.
C) neither raise nor lower its center
of gravity.
D) increase its mass.
E) decrease its mass.
If an object is in neutral
equilibrium, any displacement will __________.
A) raise its center of gravity.
B) lower its center of gravity.
C) neither raise nor lower its center
of gravity.
D) increase its mass.
E) decrease its mass.
If you try to touch your
toes while standing flat against a wall, you probably will fall over.
The reason this happens is that __________.
A) your center of gravity is outside
your support area.
B) your center of gravity is not
located directly above your support area.
C) both A and B
11) The center of mass of the
solar system __________.
A) is at the center of the sun.
B) varies as the planets move.
C) neither A nor B
The long heavy tail of
a spider monkey enables the monkey to easily vary its __________.
A) weight.
B) momentum.
C) inertia.
D) center of gravity.
E) none of the above
The center of mass of a
human body is located at a point __________.
A) that is fixed, though different for different people.
B) that is always directly behind the belly button.
C) that changes as a person bends
D) none of the above
An object thrown into the
air rotates about its __________.
A) midpoint.
B) edge.
C) center of gravity.
D) geometric center.
E) none of the above
If a plumb line is dropped
from a suspension point of a rectangular sheet of plywood __________.
A) half the mass of the wood will
be on either side of the line.
B) half the weight will be on
either side of the line.
C) the line will pass through
the center of gravity of the wood.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
A fish suspended in water
is in what kind of equilibrium?
A) Stable
B) Unstable
C) Neutral
17) A ball resting on the floor
is in what kind of equilibrium?
A) Stable
B) Unstable
C) Neutral
18) A picture hangs on a wall
by a wire that is passed over a supporting nail. The picture is in stable
equilibrium because __________.
A) any slight push will raise
its center of gravity.
B) after any small push, it will
return to its original position.
C) its center of gravity is directly
below the supporting nail.
D) all of the above
Based on stability concepts,
you would expect a very broad tree to have __________.
A) a very broad root system.
B) very deep roots.
C) exceptionally strong roots.
You push a table tennis
ball beneath the surface of water in a glass of water. The
center of gravity of the glass of water __________.
A) rises.
B) falls.
C) neither rises nor falls.
True or False in the space provided.
The point located at the
geometric center of an object is called the object's center of gravity.
The point located at the
center of an object's mass distribution is called the object's center
of gravity.
When an object is balanced
so that a displacement raises its center of gravity, the object is said
to be in neutral equilibrium.
24) When an object is balanced
so that a displacement lowers its center of gravity, the object is said
to be in stable equilibrium.
When an object is balanced
so that a displacement neither raises nor lowers its center of gravity,
the object is said to be in neutral equilibrium.
Because the sun has several
planets orbiting it, it actually wobbles as it moves through space.
Even though a baseball
bat spins and wobbles when thrown in the air, its center of gravity
follows a smooth parabolic path.
The center of mass of an
object is always located at the object's geometric center.
An unaided object will
topple over when its center of gravity extends beyond its support base.
a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions.
30) In terms of center of gravity,
discuss what determines whether or not an object will fall over when
tilted. Give examples.
In terms of center of gravity,
discuss the three types of stability. Give examples of each type.
Discuss the role of center
of gravity when a high jumper executes a "Fosbury